Why is local SEO important (with examples and strategies)

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Alright, let’s stop beating around the digital bush. If you’ve been wondering, “Why on earth is local SEO important?” and scratching your head while sipping on that lukewarm coffee, then let me be the one to break it to you: You’re late to the game, but that’s okay. We all have our moments.

Now, put down that sad-looking sandwich and pay attention. Local SEO, in its simplest form, is a strategy that helps businesses improve their online visibility in local search results on Google. When you search for something like “pizza place near me” or “best hair salon in [city name],” that’s local SEO magic at work. In essence, it’s a way for businesses to stand out in their local community and connect with customers right in their neighborhood.

In this guide, we’ll dive headfirst into the chaotic world of local SEO. We’ll unpack its importance, run through some smart (and not-so-smart) strategies, and give you a taste of examples of how local SEO can do more for businesses than a double-shot espresso on a Monday morning.

So buckle up and keep on reading.

Defining Local SEO: An Essential Tool for Digital Marketing

Local SEO is not some fancy buzzword that digital marketers like to toss around at parties to sound clever (although, it does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?).

But no. Local SEO is a genuine, hard-working tool in your digital marketing toolbox, and it’s high time we give it the spotlight it deserves. When we talk about Local SEO, we’re referring to the practice of optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. These searches take place on Google and other search engines, but let’s be honest, we’re mostly talking about Google here (sorry, Bing).

You know when you’re desperately craving a cheeseburger at 2 a.m., and you google “24-hour burger joint near me”? Yeah, that’s Local SEO hard at work, connecting your midnight munchies with the all-night diner down the street. It’s the silent matchmaker of the digital world, pairing customers with businesses in their immediate area.

In a nutshell, Local SEO is all about making sure that customers who are looking for your products or services in your area, can find you faster than you can say “Google it!”

Why Local SEO is Important for Your Business Success

​​Alright, alright. We’ve defined what Local SEO is (cheers to us!). Now let’s talk about why local SEO should matter to you and your business. Yes, even your little boutique artisanal cheese shop needs some of that Local SEO love. Here’s why:

Boosting Online Visibility

First and foremost, Local SEO is like your business’s flashy neon sign on the digital highway of Google. It boosts your online visibility, so customers in your area don’t just see a list of generic results — they see YOU. And in the online world, visibility equals business. Simple math, folks!

Driving More In-Store Traffic

Now here’s the kicker. Local SEO doesn’t just boost your online presence; it helps drive foot traffic to your physical store. People who conduct local searches are often ready to get off their couches, put on some decent pants, and head to a store. With a well-optimized Local SEO strategy, that store could be yours. It all depends on where you are in SERP(Search Engine Results Page).

Capitalizing on the Local Shopping Trend

Alright, here’s a fun fact: people LOVE supporting local businesses. Seriously, it’s a trend hotter than fanny packs in the ’90s(which I assume was hot, cause I didn’t live it). With Local SEO, you can ride this wave of local shopping love all the way to the bank – letting people know they can (and should) support you is something you could potentially do through local SEO.

Attracting Targeted Web Traffic

Forget about drawing in crowds who couldn’t care less about your products or services – you don’t want people who are just there for the samples, no? Local SEO is about quality over quantity. It helps you attract targeted web traffic — people who are actively looking for your type of business. It’s like having a bouncer who only lets in the cool kids who genuinely love your business.

Increasing Calls and Visits from Maps Users

Let’s not forget about our good friend, Google Maps. People rely on it more than they’d like to admit, and with Local SEO, your business can be a top choice for local searchers. Remember: if you’re not on the map, you’re not in the game. And trust me, this is one game you don’t want to miss out on.

The Mechanics Behind Google Local Ranking

Now that you’re all pumped about Local SEO (I can sense the excitement through the screen, don’t deny it!), let’s get our hands dirty and dig into the nitty-gritty: how does Google decide who gets the crown in local rankings?

How Google Determines Local Ranking

You may think Google is like that eccentric aunt who randomly gives out gifts at family gatherings, but when it comes to local ranking, there’s a method to the madness. Google uses three key factors to determine local rankings: relevance, distance, and prominence.

Relevance is all about how well a local listing matches what someone is searching for. Distance considers how far each potential search result is from the location term used in a search. Finally, prominence refers to how well-known a business is. Google crunches these factors together in its magic algorithm oven and voila, you’ve got your local search rankings!

Take this example: You’re the proud owner of a well-loved burger joint just 400 meters away from my house. Your burgers are the talk of the town, you’ve been flipping patties for years, and your online reviews boast a dazzling array of stars. Foot traffic? You’ve got plenty. (Don’t ask how Google knows – it just does.)

Just down the road, a new burger shop opens up – let’s call it the newbie on the block. It’s closer to my house, only 200 meters away, but their online presence? Let’s just say it’s about as exciting as a burger without the cheese (and we all know that’s a crime).

Now, here’s where Google steps in. Despite the newcomer being closer, Google’s local ranking might still favor you because of your relevance (your burgers are what people rave about in their searches), your prominence (you’ve got fame in the community, reviews to back it up, and a history of high foot traffic), and the distance is not so significant to overshadow these factors.

So, thanks to the powers of Local SEO, your burger joint continues to reign supreme in local search results, leaving the unoptimized competition in the digital dust. This, my friends, is how Google determines local rankings. Don’t you just love a story with a tasty ending?

Local SEO vs. Global SEO

While we’re here, let’s clear up a common point of confusion: the difference between Local SEO and, let’s call it, Global SEO. Global SEO is like playing a game of chess with the whole world. It’s about optimizing your website to rank highly for certain keywords on a global scale.

Local SEO, on the other hand, is more like a friendly game of darts at your local pub. It’s about making sure people in your local area can find you quickly and easily. Both games are fun, but they require different strategies. Today, we’re all about winning that dart game.

Picture this: You’ve created a fantastic new type of cheese that you’re sure will revolutionize the culinary world. Your cheese is so good that you want to share it not just with your hometown, but with the entire world.

If you decide to use Global SEO strategies, you’re going to optimize your website so that it shows up in search results for “best new cheeses” or “revolutionary cheeses” all around the world. This is like casting a wide net into the vast ocean of the internet, hoping to catch cheese-lovers from every corner of the globe.

However, while you’re waiting for your global fame, you don’t want to forget about the cheese enthusiasts right in your own backyard. That’s where Local SEO comes in. By using Local SEO strategies, you can make sure that when people in your area search for “best cheese near me” or “new cheeses in [Your City],” your business pops up as a top result.

What Types of Businesses Need Local SEO?

You might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but does my business really need Local SEO?” If you’re a business with a physical location or you serve customers in a specific geographic area, then the answer is a resounding yes. Whether you’re running a coffee shop, a law firm, a hair salon, a dog walking service – if you’ve got a local audience, Local SEO is your ticket to attracting more customers. So, let’s get on that Local SEO train, shall we?

Key Local SEO Strategies: Boosting Your Local Search Presence and Ranking Factors

Okay, now, it’s time to get our hands dirty with some major local SEO strategies. These aren’t just tips; they’re essential steps to make your business pop like a fresh bag of popcorn in local search results. Let’s break it down:


Optimizing Your Website for Local Search

Think of your website as your business’s digital address. You’d keep your storefront spick and span, right? The same goes for your online presence. Use local keywords, optimize meta tags, and make sure your contact info is accurate across the web. We’re making it as easy as pie for local customers to find you.

Importance of User Experience in Local SEO

Remember, your website isn’t just a billboard—it’s a hangout spot. You want people to visit and stick around. A swift, easy-to-navigate website can lower your bounce rate and hike up your ranking on search engine results pages. So, polish your website until it sparkles.

Make your services clear up-front and if there’s something special or unique you’re offering, make sure it stands out.

A few weeks ago I went with my son to this play cafe in Leeuwarden – all about Lego. And while I was there, I got to talking with the waitresses and discovered that they rent Lego sets to whoever is interested. While this is a cool service (and something I was interested in), there was no indication of it anywhere, except for a hidden website page. Does this affect their local SEO? Not that much. Does this affect their sales? Well, let’s say they could be improved.

Google My Business (GMB) Optimization

Your GMB listing is your secret weapon. It’s time to optimize it to rule the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and the much-loved Google Map Pack. From managing online reviews to updating your business info, your GMB is your ticket to local visibility.

Optimizing it is fairly straightforward – make sure you use the right keywords and that people understand what you do, when you do it, and where they can find more information.

Importance of Localized Content

If you want to connect with local customers, you’ve got to speak their language. Creating localized content that resonates with your audience can boost your local SEO efforts. Localized content is like a warm, friendly wave to potential customers in your area.

Generating and Managing Online Reviews

Reviews, good or bad, are golden opportunities to engage with your customers. Responding professionally and promptly to all reviews, yes, even the negative ones, shows you care about your customers’ experiences. The difference stands in how you interact with reviews – are you active enough to answer them, or you’d rather ignore them and hope for the best?

The Role of Local Backlinks in Local SEO

Think of backlinks as commendations from other local businesses or communities. They can boost your local SEO performance by affirming your credibility. So, it’s time to foster relationships and earn those local backlinks!

In local SEO, it makes sense to partner with other non-competing businesses and cross-promote each other at every opportunity. While joint-actions are not easy to pull off, they can bring a lot of benefits to your organization.

There we have it – a roadmap through the bustling city of local SEO. It’s not just a clever strategy; it’s the key to connecting with your local audience and establishing your business as a local leader.

We’ve covered everything from optimizing your website and Google My Business profile, to engaging with online reviews and building local backlinks. These are not just methods to boost your visibility, but ways to build trust and understand your customers better.

And remember: Local SEO isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Results won’t come overnight, but with persistence and dedication, you’ll start to see your business climb the local search rankings.

So now it’s over to you. Take these tips and apply them to your business. Stay on your toes, because the world of SEO is always changing. But don’t worry, you’re now equipped to face it head-on. Here’s to your local SEO journey!

Still have questions? Want to get your local SEO strategy kick-started with expert help? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s get in touch and elevate your business to new local SEO heights!