Preventing sales drops with effective demand generation strategies

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You’re here, which means you’re at a bit of a crossroads and your sales may look concerning. Your team is lean (no spare change for an army of marketers), the ad budget is tighter than skinny jeans, and the number of customers walking through your door could be counted on a toddler’s fingers. Sound about right, no?

In this case, the solution stands in Marketing Demand Generation. This isn’t just about making noise—it’s about making the right kind of noise in front of the right people. It’s your golden ticket to catching the eye of the folks who not only want what you’re selling but also have the dough to buy it.

So, fasten your seatbelt and see what a world without big budgets or sprawling teams looks like—just a dash of courage and a thirst for success.

So let’s get started!

Understanding Demand Generation vs Lead Generation

Demand Generation, or ‘Dem Gen’ for those of us who prefer our lingo like our coffee (short and strong), is all about creating awareness and interest. It’s like the charismatic character in a rom-com, the one who enters a room and immediately draws everyone’s eyes. It makes your brand, product, or service the belle of the ball, creating that initial ‘Oh, hello there!’ moment.

Now, Lead Generation, or ‘Lead Gen’, is the logical next step. It’s the follow-up date after that first dazzling encounter. It’s about taking that interest stirred up by Dem Gen and converting it into something more tangible, like contact information. Think of it as the smooth-talking charmer who gets the phone number.

Dem Gen and Lead Gen are two sides of the same marketing coin, partners in crime if you like cliches. Dem Gen struts in first, turning heads and creating a buzz. Then Lead Gen steps up, capturing the details of those intrigued party-goers wanting to know more.

And where do they fit into the marketing funnel? Think of Dem Gen as the wider top of the funnel, pulling in the crowd. Lead Gen then comes into play further down, narrowing the field to those most likely to end up as customers.

See, it’s not rocket science. It’s more like a well-choreographed dance, with each step crucial to the success of the performance. Without the captivating opening number (Dem Gen), there won’t be anyone to impress with your fancy footwork (Lead Gen).

Benefits of Demand Generation

Alright, smarty pants, this section is for the ‘why bother?’ part of the brain that’s nagging you. Why should you care about Demand Generation? *If you’re already a Demand Gen pro and know your benefits, feel free to jump to the juicy strategies waiting in the next section. If you’re sticking around, let’s dive in.

Reducing Costs the Smart Way

Think of Demand Gen as the master strategist of your marketing budget. Its secret weapon? Precision. It doesn’t waste resources on uninterested parties. Instead, it meticulously targets those who are most likely to buy, thus reducing costs.

It’s the art of finding people who’d actually want what you’re offering, making every penny count.

Enhancing Brand Awareness and Reputation

Then, there’s the spotlight hogger in Dem Gen – the boost it gives to your brand awareness and reputation. It doesn’t just make your brand known, it makes it known to the right people.

With a strategic Dem Gen plan, you’re not just another name in the crowd; you’re the name that matters to your audience. It positions you as an authority, making you the go-to brand in your niche.

Top Demand Generation Strategies

Now that we’re all aboard the Dem Gen train, let’s explore some of the scenic routes we can take. Here’s a handy-dandy list of strategies that you might want to consider.

Increasing Brand Awareness

You worked hard on building your brand, so you’re going to use it, right?

Start with SEO. Research keywords your audience might use when looking for your product or service and integrate them into your website and content. Then, make noise on social media—regularly post updates, interact with followers, use relevant hashtags, and participate in trending topics.

Consider teaming up with influencers who can extend your reach and lend their credibility to your brand. Sponsoring events, podcasts, or newsletters related to your industry can also help you reach a larger audience.

Depending on your industry, you need to find that sweet spot between best practices and current trends.

Content is Key

Start by putting together a content strategy in order to create the content you need. Without one, you’re just going to the wind, and I don’t think the wind has your best interests at heart–it doesn’t even have a heart.

Set up a company blog and start posting insightful, helpful, and engaging content. Think along the lines of industry news, how-to guides, success stories, and expert opinions.

And diversify your content—start a YouTube channel to share product demos, tutorials, customer testimonials, or a peek behind the scenes at your company. Infographics, webinars, podcasts, and whitepapers are also excellent mediums to share complex information in an easily digestible format.

Learn the Art of Lead Nurturing

For effective lead nurturing, create a personalized experience for your prospects. Segment your email list based on criteria like customer behavior, interests, or stage in the buying journey, and then send them tailored content and offers that resonate with them.

To easily track interactions and deliver timely and appropriate responses, you can either use a CRM, or an email tool, such as Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and more. Offering exclusive deals or early access to new products can also help foster a stronger relationship, but we’ll discuss that a bit later.

Mastering Precision Marketing with ABM

With Account-Based Marketing (ABM), you need to identify key accounts—these are the companies most likely to become high-value customers. Once you’ve identified them, learn everything you can about them—their needs, their pain points, and their decision-making process. 

Craft personalized marketing campaigns that speak directly to these points. LinkedIn can be a great platform for targeted advertising and networking within these accounts.

Capitalizing on Collaborative Power

Find non-competitive businesses whose products or services complement yours and suggest a partnership. This could take the form of cross-promotion, where you both recommend each other’s offerings to your respective customer bases.

You could also consider package deals where customers can purchase both of your offerings together at a discount. Joint products or services can also be a great way to leverage collaborative power. With a skilled Partnership Manager in your team, you can unlock ongoing collaboration opportunities and create a comprehensive program for joint actions.

The Power of Free

Create a comprehensive ebook or a webinar that provides real value to your audience, and offer it for free in exchange for an email subscription.  This not only provides a valuable resource to potential customers but also helps you build your email list.

Alternatively, consider developing a limited version of your app or tool that potential customers can use for free. Once they’re on board, you can slowly introduce the full, paid version.

Joining Forces with Industry Stars

Reach out to experts in your industry who share your target audience and propose a collaboration. This could be a joint webinar or a podcast episode where you discuss a relevant topic, providing great value to your audience while benefiting from the expert’s existing following.

Alternatively, invite them to contribute a guest post to your blog or write a foreword for your next ebook—again, this provides value while extending your reach.

Reminder Marketing with Display Remarketing

With platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can retarget visitors who left your website without making a purchase. This works by placing a pixel on your website, which sets a cookie in the user’s browser. Then, when they browse other websites, they see ads for the products or services they were previously viewing on your site. This keeps your brand at the top of their mind and encourages them to return and complete their purchase.

Whew! That was a ride, wasn’t it? I told you there was more to this demand generation thing than just buzzwords and fancy jargon.

Implementing a demand generation marketing strategy is essential for your organization’s survival. With it, you’re a force to be reckoned with, strutting down the business boulevard with confidence. Without it, you’re just another face in the crowd, and trust me, obscurity is not a great look for any business.

There’s no one-size-fits-all. Take these strategies, tweak them, flip them, shake them, and make them your own. Find out what works best for you and run with it.

Remember, demand generation is a marathon, not a sprint. And with the right strategies and a little bit of perseverance, you’re sure to cross the finish line.

If you’ve found this post helpful (and I’m sure you did), do me a favor and share it around. Let’s spread the wisdom, shall we?

And if you’re still a bit overwhelmed or unsure where to start, don’t fret. Reach out, and let’s navigate this jungle of demand generation together.